Miami-Dade Park Rules


Emily asked: My son has a 12v battery operated razor dirt bike. Max speed is 17 mph and operates off 12v battery. Are they allowed in Miami Dade parks? I was told this is considered a motor bike and not allowed on property. Please help me find the correct law.


If your son’s vehicle falls in the category of a miniature motorcycle, it is not permitted on roadways or sidewalks unless there a local ordinance to the contrary.

s. 316.2128Operation of Motorized Scooters and Miniature Motorcycles; Requirements for Sales

(1) …. motorized scooters or miniature motorcycles …. are not legal to operate on public roads, may not be registered as motor vehicles, and may not be operated on sidewalks …. unless authorized by an ordinance ….

Motorized traffic must remain in specified roadways within a Miami Dade park.

Park Rules and Regulations


3. Roads and driveways within parks

(a) No person driving, operating, controlling or propelling any vehicle, motorized, horse drawn or self-propelled, shall use any other than the regularly designated paved or improved park roads or driveways, except when directed to do so by a police officer or department employee.

Operating a motor vehicle requires a driver’s license and registration of the vehicle.

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