Three Feet
Question Brian asked: What is the Florida State Law needed distance between vehicle and Bicycle for a vehicle to pass them? Answer Please see this post.
Generally, the rules about overtaking and passing apply to operators of all vehicles. Passing must be accomplished safely and without interfering with the vehicle being passed. Overtaking drivers must change lanes to pass another vehicle unless the lane is wide enough (14-16 feet, depending on vehicle size) to pass a bicycle safely, allowing a minimum of 3 feet of clearance, while remaining within the lane. If on-coming traffic, a blind curve or other hazard exists, the overtaking driver must wait until the hazard is no longer present.
Bicyclists in narrow lanes are not required to keep right or ride single file, regardless of the presence of drivers desiring to go faster. Bicyclist must only move right and ride single file if the lane is wide enough to share. A bicyclist remaining far to the right in a narrow lane is at risk of unwittingly encouraging drivers to attempt to unlawfully and unsafely pass within the lane. Moving to the center of the lane communicates to the overtaking driver that there is not room to safely pass within the lane. Bicyclists may even move to the left side of the lane to discourage a pass where there is oncoming traffic, limited visibility to the oncoming lane or a stop sign, stop light or queued traffic ahead. Motorists often try to pass without taking such things into account, smart and assertive bicyclists will attempt to stop an unwise pass.
Question Brian asked: What is the Florida State Law needed distance between vehicle and Bicycle for a vehicle to pass them? Answer Please see this post.
Question Joe the Bike Man asked: Is there a Florida Law about a minimum distance from a cyclist that a motorist should be when passing the bicycle? Some state have what is a called a 4-foot or 5-foot law Answer …
Question Brian asked: Can you clarify what the fines are for state and county roads for violators who do not give cyclists 3 feet of space? Are there any demerit points? Is there a record of actually how many such …
Question Kathryn asked: Does someone on a motorcycle have to give a cyclist 3 feet like cars do? Also is the state’s 3 foot law applicable on a military base?
Question Joe asked: I ride my bicycle to work and back each day. Most of the commute is on rural roads with a wide shoulder but not technically a marked bike lane. This morning, while I was riding on the …
Question Al asked: I ride my bicycle for exercise and wondering if you are going to be passed by another bicycle if they should give some sort of warning. Lately I have been passed by guys in full battle gear …
Question Kris asked: Though lane splitting is illegal in FL can a motorcycle ride the shoulder to pass heavy traffic, 30 mph or less?
Question Diana asked: I have a pretty unique situation. I was on a multipurpose sidewalk bike riding with all my safety equipment, i hand signal a right turn and as i was turning i was hit by another cyclist at …
Question Jeff asked: Had an incident today where we were passed on a downhill double yellow line by a truck. Unfortunately for me the driver of the truck lived at the bottom of the hill and came over directly in …
Question Bkrassn asked: Is it legal to split the lanes like this cyclist does? What are the relevant sections of law?