Register Bikes in St. Pete?
Laurie asked: Don’t know if my nephew is pulling my leg or just trying to get me to send him beer money. He said he needs $65 to register his bicycle with the police in St. Petersburg, Fl.
Bicycles of residents of St. Pete must be registered.
Sec. 26-201. – Definition.
The term “bicycle license plate” means the means of identification of the bicycle issued by the police department pursuant to the registration of a bicycle and may include a metal or plastic plate or a sticker.
Sec. 26-202. – When required.
(a) Every person residing within the City owning or having in his or her possession any bicycle shall register such bicycle with the police department.
(b) This section shall not apply to retail sellers of new or secondhand bicycles when the bicycles are for sale to the public.
(c) This section shall not apply to persons who are not residents of the City who have in their possession bicycles in the City. If non-residency cannot be established, it shall be presumed that the person is a resident of the City.
Sec. 26-203. – Application; fee; issuance of bicycle license decal.
The police department shall provide an application for bicycle registration which shall require sufficient information to identify properly and completely any bicycle sought to be registered including but not limited to proof of ownership (i.e., bill of sale). Upon completion of the application, applicant shall be
Sec. 26-204. – Display of bicycle license plate.
The bicycle license plate shall be immediately affixed to the bicycle for which the bicycle license plate was issued, in such a position that the bicycle license plate is clearly visible. The bicycle license plate shall remain attached to the bicycle for which the bicycle license plate was issued and shall not be removed from the bicycle.
This is a link to the registration form.
I can find no mention of a fee to register a bicycle. You may want to contact the police department and ask them about a fee.
Fees 727-893-7537 or Bicycle Compound 727-893-7560(Open Mon 1pm- 4pm & Tues-Fri 8am-4pm)
I registered all of my bikes online at their website for Free unless they changed it.
You don’t get a plate, just a sticker.
Link to on online registration form isn’t working.
He is pulling your leg. It is free.