Sidewalk Funding


Frans asked: OK, this may be off topic, but I have come to a dead end.

The City insists that they CANNOT use TAX DOLLAR for sidewalks or pathways.

We only have a few through going streets here and most of the time we need to use one of the main roads to get where we need to go. Like for instance the Post Office Town Hall Police Station.

The City has finally finished one of these major roads (The one that will get you to the above mentioned places and others like out of town.) On purpose no Bicycle Lane was added to this expansion (2 lanes to 4 etc.), because of 8 foot wide sidewalks with signs. The City folk praised themselves about this great project that included a 8-foot wide sidewalks; pedestrian signage; lighting Gazebo’s etc. They even have a great Plaque in one of them showing of the Pathway! With a City phone number to get more information on this project.

A 1 mile section on one side does not have a concrete pathway (Lights are in) I called the City and asked when this section would be completed? After many e-mails and calls, the answer is: It will not be completed, because the City cannot spend Tax dollars on Sidewalks! The landowner and / or developers are responsible to put the 8 foot wide pathway in. The City will add the lighting and signs etc

Is it indeed illegal in the state of Florida to use Tax dollars to put in sidewalks?   Part of the project was paid for with Country Taxes.

Below that portion

“Earlier this year, the City of XXXXX XXXX received a State Infrastructure Bank loan for $10 million to finish the major roadway. The last phase of construction will widen the stretch of roadway from Heron Creek Boulevard to City Center Boulevard. The design will mirror the rest of Sumter’s design elements, with 8-foot wide sidewalks; pedestrian signage; lighting; enhanced irrigation and landscaping; covered bus shelters; and stamped concrete turn lanes. The project also will include widening the legs of Price Boulevard a quarter of a mile in each direction from the intersection. ”

So can or can we not use tax dollars to finish the pathway? Would they be breaking some kind of rule.

FYI, due to this missing section most of the East side multi-use path-way cannot be used it end in the grass and no crossing to cross over to the other side.


You are correct that this is not within the scope of this site, which is for discussion of the laws related to bicycling. I am not aware of any such law. I suggest contacting a land use attorney.

I do know that it is common to see bike lanes and sidewalks that just end, with no accommodation past that point. I also know it is common for communities to require developers to install certain facilities as part of the permit process. Perhaps the property owner will do so when the land is developed.

I suggest contacting bicycle and pedestrian advocacy groups in your area and inform them of your concerns

3 Comments on “Sidewalk Funding

  1. Thanks, I have been working with the advocacy as well. No help there. My biggest issue was, NO bicycle lane was implemented, because of the 8 foot pathway along the road. Still digging.
    I assume the regulations as to when a bicycle lane needs to be added to a road when widening only applies to road not part of an actually city.

  2. Nothing in Florida Statutes prohibits a municipality from building sidewalk on municipal public right-of-way, and the city I live in uses municipal funds to fill in sidewalk gaps on streets. However, restrictions might attach to a specific revenue stream a municipality uses, or the municipality might have adopted a policy not to use its own funds to build sidewalks (e.g., to add sidewalk only where and when this can be done by applying the common land development requirement for a new development or redevelopment to build sidewalk, where missing, on bordering public right-of-way).

    • Thanks Dwight, I found out a DRI is in place with almost the whole section. The Main developer stepped up and put in most of the sidewalks, except one mile they did not own. The current developer of that section wont start until he sells (new owners problem) or starts building. Still digging – safety is my primary issue –

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