Bikes on Sidewalks
Question Peggy asked: Is it legal to ride bikes on sidewalks in Florida?
Question Peggy asked: Is it legal to ride bikes on sidewalks in Florida?
Question Pat asked: I was jogging in a well established biking and jogging area and was stopped by a policeman stating that he could “cite” me for not jogging on the sidewalk when it was near the bike lane, even …
Question Joe asked: While riding with traffic, single file, I often encounter walkers/joggers coming toward me, against the flow of traffic. Question is, who has the “right of way”?
Question T. Mairs asked: At a T-intersection, with a road running along the top of the “T”, there is a sidewalk (part of the “Walk the Rock” path). There is a community that meets the main sidewalk that has decided …
Question E. asked: If a bicyclist gets off his or her bike while crossing a four lane highway (U.S 1) to accompany a pedestrian, or just to cross the cement island, is it legal and less nerve-wreaking on car drivers? …
Question Kathy asked: I hit a bicyclist yesterday. I did not see him. He’s okay. His bike will need a new front wheel. Thankfully, it was a very slow/low impact accident as I had just put my vehicle in first …
Question Aimee asked: I am aware that in Orange County, Florida riding the sidewalks is acceptable, but are the bike riders required to ride with the flow of traffic? And is it required to use the bike lanes, if they …
Question Cyndi asked: Has FBA ever offered local newspapers a series of articles covering common bike laws and rules of the road? This would make good print and online content…even with video to help drive the messages home. From what …
Question Mike asked: I read all the posts regarding the FL definition of a “scooter” powered by electricity with pedals. It seems to be clear that it is technically a bicycle if it goes no more than 20mph. My question, …
Question Jeanne asked: Is it required that you stop at the posted stop signs on the bike paths if no one is coming? Is this considered a moving violation? Some of the stop signs on the path off Hwy 70 …