Right Turns with Bike Lanes Present
Question Eric asked: Near where I live there is an old bike lane that is about 15-20 years old. It has solid white lines right up to the intersection where I routinely turn right when I drive my truck there. …
Question Eric asked: Near where I live there is an old bike lane that is about 15-20 years old. It has solid white lines right up to the intersection where I routinely turn right when I drive my truck there. …
Question: Sondra asked: What would be the proper position for a cyclist when she approaches traffic on a busy street? Can she continue on the right edge (and pass the automobiles) until she reaches the intersection and go ahead if …
Question Sondra Asked: Who has the right of way in moving traffic when: 1) the cyclist is traveling straight ahead on the far right side (where the bike lane ended about 100 feet before the intersection) and is moving with …
Question Anthony also asked: If a vehicle is stopped at a red light intending to make a right turn and a trailing bicyclist pulls abreast of the car on the right, intending to go straight, who has the right of …