Stopping on a Bike Lane
Question Amy asked: I have looked at the bike lane parking info posted and it has been very informative. I just wanted to get your input about the legality of momentarily pulling into a bike lane to pick up a …
Intersections present special problems and unsafe conditions for cyclists, so when proceeding straight, moving to the center of the through lane is legal and recommended, even if a bike lane is present.
Cyclists are frequently subjected to a “right hook” by other drivers turning too closely in front of them. Those motor vehicle operators are violating a number of laws and unnecessarily endangering the cyclist to simply save a few seconds.
Drivers are required to safely move as far right in the roadway to prepare for a right turn, even if that means moving into the bike lane.
Bicyclists are entitled to the use of the full lane being used to prepare for a left turn.
Question Amy asked: I have looked at the bike lane parking info posted and it has been very informative. I just wanted to get your input about the legality of momentarily pulling into a bike lane to pick up a …
Question Lance asked: Here’s the situation: I’m about to make a right turn into a shopping center, and a bicyclist is riding on the sidewalk and enters the roadway in front of me. Was he supposed to stop for me, …
Question Dylan asked: Recently, a Pinellas Park Police officer informed me that me and my son (who is 12) must “keep right” and that we were breaking the law by being in the middle lane of 78th Ave in Pinellas …
Question Felicia asked: I live in Tallahassee, Florida, attending grad school at FSU. On my walk to campus I’ve noticed a few close calls with bicyclist and motorist. Specifically, when a bicyclist is in the bike lane going straight and …
Question Jacci asked: I drive a car to work on Brickell, which is a haven for bicyclists. I respect that and their rights by not only looking both ways twice at an intersection, but also obeying the law when a …
Question J Lewis asked: Today I (a cyclist) was stopped at a red light while in a bike lane, and I was honked at and harassed by a person in a vehicle behind me. I presume they were trying to …
Question Stuart asked: I recently was involved in an accident with an electric bike. I was driving on major street with bike lane on my right. I signaled to make right turn into shopping center. While my car was halfway …
Question Nathan asked: You’ve said that FDOT no longer uses undesignated bike lanes. Is this why I’ve been recently seeing bike lanes that exist only to the left of right-turn lanes, and revert to shoulder before and after (forcing a …
Question Gary asked: This is in regards to a column, Dr. Delay, in a newspaper. The article states: Who has right of way? Bicycle or car? Reader wrote to the Doc about an incident she recently observed involving a bicycle …
Question Frank asked: 1. If I’m riding on the road (no bicycle lane and as far to the right as practicable) and a right hand turn lane comes up. Do I ride on the left of the solid line of …