Kids Without Helmets
Question Jerry asked: I live in Spring Hill and though the school year is almost over August starts another. I very often see kids riding to and from schools without the benefit of brain protection. I would estimate less than …
Helmets are required for all under the age of 16 riding bicycles or as bicycle passengers on the sidewalk, roadway or other public property. The helmets must meet certain requirements and be properly affixed to the head.
Question Jerry asked: I live in Spring Hill and though the school year is almost over August starts another. I very often see kids riding to and from schools without the benefit of brain protection. I would estimate less than …
Question Richard asked: Is it a requirement for adults to wear a bicycle helmet when riding a bicycle? Do all law enforcement officers who ride a bicycle in the performance of their duties wear a bicycle helmet? Does the State …
Question Vannah asked: Is it illegal to ride a bike with a infant in a chest carrier on your chest? I was doing this and had at least 8-9 cops, and sheriffs pass me and never stop me and say …
Question Kim asked: Are bicycle riders required by law to wear a helmet? If not, do you think it is a good idea to wear one anyway?
Question Nancy asked: Does a 10 year old by Florida law need to wear a helmet?
Question Jill asked: As an adult, am I required to wear a helmet while riding my bicycle? Our traffic rules are the same as we observe on the roads and highways. However, there is less traffic and a more relaxed …