More Motorized Bicycles
Question Punkie commented: The way you have your page is more confusing than helpful when trying to state the facts. I know from first hand what the state laws are for any motorized bicycle either it be electric or by …
Question Punkie commented: The way you have your page is more confusing than helpful when trying to state the facts. I know from first hand what the state laws are for any motorized bicycle either it be electric or by …
Question Harry asked: Recently the city of Inverness, FL redesigned a major crossing of the Withlacoochee State Trail which I fear has increased the danger for trail users who are attempting to cross N Apopka Ave. I’m hoping you can …
Question Jo asked: We have a bike lane in front of our condo home but a lot of people ride on the sidewalk instead. My question is, since we have a limited view of the sidewalk as we are exiting …
Question Thyme asked: In Miami Beach, I have not found a local ordinance forbidding riding a bike, on the sidewalk, against the flow of traffic. While doing so, and crossing a crosswalk (white ‘go’ sign), I was hit by a …
Question David asked: I often ride on sidewalks with the flow of traffic though there is a bike lane. My question has to do with right turning vehicles, the drivers of which often think they can turn faster than I …
Question Quinton asked: Are lights still required at night even though you are riding your bike on sidewalk?
Question William asked: Recently I parked in a private lot next to the sidewalk. I opened my car door into the sidewalk to exit the car and a bicyclist appeared out of nowhere and collided with the door. This did …
Question Suzanne asked: In the city of Palm Coast, FL – Flagler Cty. the city has provided bike paths/walk paths along many city streets. These paths are approx.7-9 feet in width. The road speeds vary from 45 to 55 mph. …
Question Herta asked: If a bicycle is on the sidewalk on a right of way and crosses an intersection with a car coming out of a side street with a stop sign, who goes first, the bicycle or the car …
Question Heard of Something New asked: I heard someone, just recently, got a letter from the DMV that said adding a gas motor on a bicycle, still keeps it a bicycle. So how can it not be allowed on public …