No-Passing Zones
Question Kevin asked: One of the roads that I travel to work is frequented by bicycles. Sometimes they are two abreast, and sometimes there are many traveling in a single file. This road has curves in some areas, and double …
Question Kevin asked: One of the roads that I travel to work is frequented by bicycles. Sometimes they are two abreast, and sometimes there are many traveling in a single file. This road has curves in some areas, and double …
Question Harry asked: I know other states (WI & PA) have recently passed a law that allows cars to cross the double yellow to give enough clearance to pass a cyclist. Is there a FL law that allows cars to …
Question In reference to the substandard-width lane: As you know, I work on A1A which is a substandard-width lane roadway. The speed limit is 35 miles per hour and there is a no passing zone. If a bike rider was …
Question Can a driver legally pass a bicyclist that is taking the lane in a “No Passing Zone”?