Electric Bikes in Bike Lane
Question Gary asked: I have and electric bike w/less than 750 watts motor, functional pedals, and less than 20 miles per hour. I have been told by local police that I am not allow to use the bike lane. I …
Question Gary asked: I have and electric bike w/less than 750 watts motor, functional pedals, and less than 20 miles per hour. I have been told by local police that I am not allow to use the bike lane. I …
Question Jack asked: Are bicyclists that ride on the street considered to be pedestrians or are they supposed to follow the rules of the road as if operating a motor vehicle?
Question Paul asked: I wanted to know where I can learn about what determines whether a human/wind powered vehicle is “Street Legal?” I saw a Pterosail online and wanted to know what makes this a street legal vehicle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umsrtx3O8ms I …
Question NE2 asked: When is it legal to switch between vehicle and pedestrian modes? Cyclists have the enviable position of being either a vehicle operator (when riding on the road) or a pedestrian (when riding on the sidewalk or in …
We are in the process of reviewing and revising older information on the site. July 17, 2014 – Since this seems to be a popular post, we are adding the most recent information about gas motors on bicycles. It was …
Question K A asked: I just bought an electric trike. Max speed is 15 mph. I spent a lot of money on this. I do not have a drivers’ license. I ride it back and forth to work. It does …
Question Maria asked: My husband just brought home a two-seater four wheel bicycle and we would like to know if we can ride it on the streets of Miami, Florida. I have searched for local ordinances and have found nothing …
Question Charles asked: My local bike shop owner cautioned me that there was a little known provision that defined human powered vehicles that are legal on the road, having seat heights of at least 25 inches above the ground, which …