Sidewalk Bicycle Local Ordinances
Question Amy asked: Is there any statute or law that prevents or admonishes bike riding on the sidewalks in the city of Winter Haven Florida- Polk County?
316.2065 (9) A person propelling a vehicle by human power upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, has all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances.
316.2065 (10) A person propelling a bicycle upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian.
Bicycles can be legally operated on all Florida sidewalks and crosswalks unless a local ordinance prohibits it. When on a sidewalk, the operator is operating a vehicle and must use helmets and lights when required, and is subject to the DUI laws. Otherwise, the operator has the rights and duties of a pedestrian, but must yield to all pedestrians.
The rights and duties of pedestrians are explained in more detail at Best Foot Forward, an Orlando-based initiative for pedestrian safety.
CommuteOrlando offers a visual primer on crosswalk challenges.
Question Amy asked: Is there any statute or law that prevents or admonishes bike riding on the sidewalks in the city of Winter Haven Florida- Polk County?
Question Debbie asked: Is there a law that you are supposed to walk your bike through the crosswalk and not ride it?
Question Jocelyn asked: I am going into middle school and I have to ride my bike and I don’t know if I can ride on the sidewalk or if I have to ride in the road?
Question Nathan asked: Is this movement legal, if one follows all pedestrian laws while crossing the road? Would the answer change if there were no median break at all (and thus one would ride across the grass where a …
Question Mike asked: I understand that a cyclist is considered a pedestrian when they travel on the sidewalk although they must yield to “real pedestrians” who are afoot. What happens when a cyclist is using a sidewalk and then cycles …
Question Hans asked: Normally at intersections drivers of vehicles should give the right-of-way to crossing pedestrians, even if there are no marked pedestrian crossings. In the case of T-intersections, the situation is less clear. Are there three implied crossings or …
Question Herman asked: If a cyclist is traveling down the road and an elderly person is about to step off of the sidewalk/curb but sees the cyclist and stops short and/or has a heart attack or some other “fear induced” …
Question Judy asked: If I am backing out of my driveway and a bicyclist is using the sidewalk, which crosses my driveway, which one of us has the right-of-way? Obviously, I look before I back out, but I have seen …
Question Emily asked: I recently decided to ride my bike to and from work. I have to travel along a roadway that has no bike lane but has sidewalks on both sides. There is a carwash/restaurant that puts an advertisement …
Question Brett asked: Car traveling a 4-lane road going north. Bike going east to west crossing said road not at the light but 25 feet before light and crosswalk and crosses road while the green light gives north/south traffic right …