Bicyclists Pay Tolls
Question Tim asked: Are cyclists required to pay tolls while passing through a toll both?
In-line or other skates, coasters, toy vehicles or other similar devices are not permitted in the roadway except crossing in a crosswalk. The bike lane is part of the roadway.
Question Tim asked: Are cyclists required to pay tolls while passing through a toll both?
Question Dan also asked: What should a knowledgeable cyclist do in the case of being told by law enforcement to do something which is not required (ride on the sidewalk), and finally threaten “I’ll write you a citation, get off …
Question PG asked: I am a biker from Indiana. Am I welcome on this forum or is just for Florida bikers?
Question: RC asked: Can conviction of a moving violation by a bicyclist result in points on that person’s driver’s license?
Question Could you please explain where you are getting your legal opinion for this statute?