Parking in a Bike lane
Brit asked: Bike lane. I pulled off to side of the rd was at a complete
stop. Waiting for my other half to get through the light. Cop showed up lights me up. I Said I was ok. He
snatched my keys out the bike.
Now he had no reason to stop me I was being
safe. Then now comes the tickets and a through down to the ground after ran my
name. No
endorsement lic Lic
suspended. From 2014
Then kicker driving in the bike lane. Ticket.
In all this never was I read the Miranda rights.
I’m not sure what your question is. Parking in a bike lane is not legal.
s. 316.1945 – Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places
(1) Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device, no person shall:
(a) Stop, stand, or park a vehicle:
6. On an exclusive bicycle lane.
I think your keys confused people. Were you operating a bike or a motor vehicle? You were interfering with the flow of traffic on the bike lane? Busy street? Not sure its illegal to operate a pedal bike when license is suspended, but if it needed a key, note that even an electric bike is illegal to operate when license is suspended.