

George asked: We want to ride and camp along route 98 to Tampa. Can we camp along the road in suitable areas when no campsites are available?


That is beyond the scope of this site, however this seems to be an applicable statute.

s. 337.406Unlawful Use of State Transportation Facility Right-of-way; Penalties

(1) …. it is unlawful to make any use of the right-of-way of any state transportation facility, including appendages thereto, outside of an incorporated municipality in any manner that interferes with the safe and efficient movement of people and property from place to place on the transportation facility. Failure to prohibit the use of right-of-way in this manner will endanger the health, safety, and general welfare of the public by causing distractions to motorists, unsafe pedestrian movement within travel lanes, sudden stoppage or slowdown of traffic, rapid lane changing and other dangerous traffic movement, increased vehicular accidents, and motorist injuries and fatalities ….

(4) Camping is prohibited on any portion of the right-of-way of the State Highway System that is within 100 feet of a bridge, causeway, overpass, or ramp.

You may want to check with local authorities in the area of interest.

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