FDOT Design Guidance
We frequently receive questions about roadway design in addition to the laws. The following is just in from FDOT for the use of folks that want to do their own research.
Just a quick update on the location of design guidance for projects on Florida’s State Highway System.
I’ve included links to the Plans Preparation Manual (PPM) and Urban Area Boundary Maps. Most of our bicycle and pedestrian criteria will be found in Chapter 8, although MOT is addressed in Chapter 10 and the reduction of lane widths to create bicycle facilities and addition of keyholes (bike lanes at right turn lanes) is addressed in Chapter 25 (RRR projects). In Florida, although we require bicycle and pedestrian accommodation on all state highways, a priority is placed on the areas within and one mile beyond FHWA’s urban area boundary. (Those maps are an excellent tool, be sure to use!). In rural areas, paved shoulders are provided, in urban areas bike lanes (marked) and sidewalks.
I’ve also included links to Design Standards, where Indexes 304 (curb ramps), 310 (sidewalks), 17346 (crosswalks) and 17347 (bicycle facilities) are included.
Mary Anne Koos
Special Projects Coordinator
Roadway Design Office – FDOT
Hayden Burns Building, MS 32
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450
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