No Jogging?
Nathan asked: Is it legal to post signs and prohibit jogging along (both sides of) a public road?
I don’t know what that would mean. Is slow running or fast walking ok? What do they mean by jogging? In the roadway or on the shoulder? Paved or unpaved shoulder?
If signs are posted with that message, they must be based on a statute, an ordinance or regulation. What is that regulation?
Local authorities can establish certain regulations for their localities for specified purposes defined in the statutes. The closest one I can find is:
s. 316.008 – Powers of Local Authorities
(1) The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from:
(g) Restricting the use of streets.
Signs and markings used on the roadways must comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, with was adopted by the Florida Department of Transportation.
I cannot find a “No Jogging” sign in the MUTCD. There are “No Pedestrians” signs, which might be used under some circumstances.
I recommend contacting local police or roadway authorities or the local Bicycle /Pedestrian Advisory Committee and asking them about the information above and the reason, meaning and justification for the signs.
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