Motorized Bicycles
We are in the process of reviewing and revising older information on the site.
July 17, 2014 – Since this seems to be a popular post, we are adding the most recent information about gas motors on bicycles. It was posted in another post here
but is repeated in this post. The rest of the June 2011 post remains unchanged for now. It may be revised in the future as time permits.
GM commented: For a long time, there has been no conclusive answer to the question of the legality of bicycles equipped with gas assist motors. There are many such vehicles in use and many manufacturers of kits to so equip a bicycle.
Our position all along has been that bicycles equipped with electric assist motors are legal vehicles if they meet the definition in the statutes, and no registration or driver’s license is required.
s. 316.003 – Definitions
(2) Bicycle –Every vehicle propelled solely by human power, and every motorized bicycle propelled by a combination of human power and an electric helper motor capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of not more than 20 miles per hour on level ground upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels, and including any device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or two rear wheels. The term does not include such a vehicle with a seat height of no more than 25 inches from the ground when the seat is adjusted to its highest position or a scooter or similar device. No person under the age of 16 may operate or ride upon a motorized bicycle.
Our position has also been that bicycles equipped with gas assist motors are not legal vehicles and cannot be operated on Florida roadways.
That position is supported by the Florida Highway Patrol. See this summary of an email exchange with the FHP.
Ask Geo: “Can I then deduce that a bicycle equipped with a gas-assist motor which cannot be registered as a moped or motorcycle cannot legally be operated on the roadway?”
FHP: “That is correct.”
See the full email exchange here:
The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles policy was also in agreement with our position. See this extract from a letter dated June 8, 2011 to one of our readers:
“There is no situation, with or without a Class-E driver license, regardless of the size of the gas powered motor, in which a bicycle propelled by a gas powered motor can or may legally be operated on the roadways.”
We were informed by one of our readers that the DHSMV has recently revised their policy guidance about gas motors on bicycles.
In their Procedure RS – 68 of May 12, 2014, the DHSMV published new guidance about bicycles with gas assist motors. In summary, they may now be operated on the roadways if they meet the statutory definition and construction and safety requirements of “moped”, are registered and licensed with the DHSMV and the driver has a valid driver’s license. A title is not required.
You can see the full Procedure RS-68 here:
You can see more information about mopeds here:
Please note that this change does not permit the operation of a bicycle with a gas assist motor kit unless all of the above requirements are met.
The operation bicycles with electric assist motors which meet the statutory definition of “bicycle” is unchanged. No registration or driver’s license is required.
We believe the DHSMV action on this new guidance was driven by the persistent communications with the FBA and some our readers with the Department on this subject. That is an example of how our readers can be empowered to seek action from our government agencies and others and how FBA can help you improve your roadway environment.
The June 2011 post remains the same.
There have been a lot of questions about motorized bicycles. We have answered them as they came and there were four separate posts on the same subject. This post replaces all of those and consolidates all the most recent information. Many thanks to all who have contributed with comments, but we will lose them with this post.
Each of the questions is repeated here.
James asked: Is it legal to ride a bike with a small motor on the roads in Florida?
Motorized bicycles powered by an electric assist motor are bicycles as defined in the statutes, and lacking a statute to the contrary their operators have the same rights and duties as other vehicle operators.
s. 316.003 – Definitions
(2) Bicycle – Every vehicle propelled solely by human power, and every motorized bicycle propelled by a combination of human power and an electric helper motor capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of not more than 20 miles per hour on level ground upon which a person may ride, having two tandem wheels, and including any device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or two rear wheels. The term does not include such a vehicle with a seat height of no more than 25 inches from the ground when the seat is adjusted to its highest position or a scooter or similar device.
A person must be age 16 or older to operate or ride upon a motorized bicycle.
(2) No person under the age of 16 may operate or ride upon a motorized bicycle.
For gas powered bicycles, see below.
Frank asked: I tried looking up the fine for riding an electric bicycle (under electric power) on a sidewalk. Can you tell me what that may be?
The applicable statute is:
s. 316.1995 – Driving upon Sidewalk or Bicycle Path
No person shall drive any vehicle other than by human power upon a bicycle path, sidewalk, or sidewalk area, except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary driveway. A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation as provided in chapter 318.
The penalty would be:
s. 318.18 – Amount of Penalties
(3)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, $60 for all moving violations not requiring a mandatory appearance.
There could be additional court costs that could be $100 or more. You should check with your local law enforcement agency for more information.
Roxanne asked: I was pulled over today for riding my electric bicycle on the street. What are the laws about this? I was told I must to use the sidewalk and follow the pedestrian rules regarding intersections and traffic lights. The officer also implied that I needed bicycle insurance.
See above about operating a vehicle by power on a sidewalk. If you are operating your bicycle on the sidewalk under human power, you have the rights and duties of a pedestrian, and must yield to pedestrians.
Lacking a statute to the contrary, you are entitled to use the roadway just as is any other vehicle.
A driver’s license is not required since a bicycle is not a motor vehicle.
s. 322.01 Definitions – As used in this chapter:
(27) “Motor vehicle” means any self-propelled vehicle …. excluding vehicles moved solely by human power, motorized wheelchairs, and motorized bicycles as defined in s. 316.003
s. 322.03 – Drivers Must be Licensed; Penalties
(1) Except as otherwise authorized in this chapter, a person may not drive any motor vehicle …. unless such person has a valid driver’s license ….
Registration of your vehicle is not required for the state, nor is it a motor vehicle, so there is no requirement for state licenses. Local authorities may require registration. See this link.
Insurance is not required. In the state of Florida, every person driving a motor vehicle registered with the state must carry the state’s minimum coverage.
s. 324.021 – Definitions; Minimum Insurance Required
(1) Motor Vehicle – Every self-propelled vehicle which is designed and required to be licensed …. but not including any bicycle or moped.
s. 324.022 – Financial Responsibility for Property Damage
(1) Every owner or operator of a motor vehicle required to be registered in this state shall establish and maintain the ability to respond in damages for liability on account of accidents arising out of the use of the motor vehicle in the amount of $10,000 because of damage to, or destruction of, property of others in any one crash.
Jerry asked: I’m trying to find out about Florida law on bicycles with a gas power-assist engine prior to buying one.
a. Do the rules vary by county? I’ve heard that is ok, simply follow the rules of the road, have a headlight and tail light, and be over 16 years of age. No insurance or registering is required.
b. I’ve seen two bicycles for sale, one with a 48cc engine, and the other with a 66cc engine. Would both engines be ok to ride on the street?
c. Can you kindly refer me to a website link that further explains or reviews this?
The vehicle you describe does not fit the legal definition of “bicycle”, since a “motorized bicycle” has an electric helper motor.
A bicycle with a gas assist motor is not legal on the roadway or the sidewalk. It is not a bicycle, a moped, nor a motorcycle. See this post for additional information about mopeds.
Additional information can be found at this DHSMV link. Below is a question and answer from that site.
A company is advertising on TV a gas engine kit that can be added to a bicycle. The engine is tied into the pedal system like a Moped and it has to be pedaled to start the engine. It is advertised that the bicycle will be propelled to 30MPH. How is the tax collector supposed to register this bicycle/gas engine assembly?
The definition of bicycle under s. 316.003(2), F.S., includes motorized bicycles. Bicycles are not registered or titled. Engine kits for bicycles are not new and there are a variety of kits available, however, they remain bicycles after the engine kit is installed. There are other requirements that must be met to be classified as a motorcycle/scooter/moped such as frame assembly and safety features. If a customer brings in paperwork for a bicycle, they cannot be legally issued a title or registration nor is it required. The agent should also direct the customer to law enforcement if there are any questions as to where the motorized bicycle can be used.
One of our readers pursued this question further with the DHSMV and received this letter. He/she asked that the name not be published.
There should be no difference in the state requirements in different counties. The traffic laws are uniform throughout the state, but counties or municipalities may impose local ordinances that do not conflict with state laws. When in doubt, ask your local Sheriff’s Office or police department.
Melanie asked: I have done some research and have discovered that an electric scooter is classified as a bicycle if: It can be powered manually (by pedaling) as well as have a power assist electric motor not to exceed 750 watts, a 25″ seat at its highest extension and will not exceed 20mph. A drivers’ license is not required to operate a “bicycle” as defined by Florida law.
Can an “electric assist motor scooter” be operated without a drivers’ license as well? Please do not refer me to the Florida statutes, I have gone over and over them and cannot come up with a clear conclusion of the law regarding this issue.
If your vehicle is as described, it appears to meet the definition of “bicycle” in the statutes. If so, a driver’s license is not required. If it is not a “bicycle” and is a motor scooter, a driver’s license is required.
There is no statutory definition of an “electric scooter”, “electric assist motor scooter” or “motor scooter”, but the DHSMV seems to place a motor scooter in the same category as the motorized scooter as defined below.
“Motorized scooter” seems to apply to the toy scooters without a seat, which are not bicycles and are not legal on the roads or sidewalks lacking a local ordinance to the contrary.
s. 316.003 – Definitions
(82) Motorized Scooter – Any vehicle not having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider, designed to travel on not more than three wheels, and not capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed greater than 30 miles per hour on level ground.
s. 316.2128 – Operation of Motorized Scooters and Miniature Motorcycles; Requirements for Sales
(1) A person who engages in the business of, serves in the capacity of, or acts as a commercial seller of motorized scooters or miniature motorcycles in this state must prominently display at his or her place of business a notice that such vehicles are not legal to operate on public roads, may not be registered as motor vehicles, and may not be operated on sidewalks unless authorized by an ordinance enacted pursuant to s. 316.008(7) or s. 316.212(8).
If your vehicle is described as a “motor scooter” there may be additional requirements, and may be legal to operate on the roads. In order to determine those requirements, you must ascertain the specifications as stated by the manufacturer. The DHSMV link in the question above may be helpful. One paragraph from that site is quoted.
“If a MCO (Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin) states the vehicle is a “motor scooter”, use the definition of “motorcycle” in section 320.01(27) or “moped” in section 320.01(28), Florida Statutes, to determine if the vehicle should be titled and registered as a motorcycle or registered as a moped. The MCO must show the cc’s of the motor for a motorcycle or the brake horsepower (bhp) for a moped.”
You should contact your dealer or the manufacturer to determine the exact specifications and contact your local law enforcement office with this information to determine the applicable laws.
The following is a statement by the DHSMV at this site,
regarding motor scooters, based on a Legal Opinion by the Attorney General, extracts of which are included. It refers to gas powered motor scooters, but does not address those with an electric motor. It also seems to contradict the material above regarding the definition excluding a seat.
Motor Scooters- Are they legal in Florida?
It is unlawful to operate a motor scooter as defined in Florida statute 316.003(82), on any roadway in Florida, unless the operator has a valid diver license. By a ruling of the Attorney General (AGO 2002-47) these vehicles are not subject to the equipment and safe driving requirements of a motor vehicle contained in chapter 316. However, if such vehicles are operated on the roads of Florida, the operator must possess a valid driver license per chapter 322.03.
Attorney Generals Office Legal Opinion 2002-47
Are motorized scooters subject to the equipment and safe driving requirements of a motor vehicle or the provisions relating to mopeds or “electric personal assistive mobility devices” prescribed in Chapter 316, Florida Statutes?
As of July 1, 2002, motorized scooters are excluded from the definition of “motor vehicle” for purposes of Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, and therefore are not subject to the equipment and safe driving requirements of a motor vehicle contained in that chapter, nor are the provisions relating to mopeds or “electric personal assistive mobility devices” prescribed in C hapter 316, Florida Statutes, applicable to motorized scooters.
In Attorney General Opinion 93-45, this office concluded that a motorized scooter powered by a gasoline engine with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour may be characterized as a “motor vehicle” pursuant to section 316.003(21), Florida Statutes 1993, and that the drivers and operators of these scooters were subject to the provisions of Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, governing vehicles and vehicular traffic. At that time, section 316.003(21) defined “motor vehicle” as “[a]ny self-propelled vehicle not operated upon rails or guideway, but not including any bicycle or moped.”[1]
You have advised this office that the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has stated that motorized scooters, are subject to the regulations regarding equipment and safe driving requirements of a motor vehicle as mandated by Chapter 316, Florida Statutes. [2] In addition, the department, relying on the opinion of the Second District Court of Appeal in State v. Riley,[3] has concluded that a motorized scooter driver is required to have a driver’s license.[4]
During the 2002 legislative session, however, the Legislature amended the definition of “motor vehicle,” effective July 1, 2002. Section 67 of Chapter 02-20, Laws of Florida, amends section 316.003(21) to define “motor vehicle” as “[a]ny self-propelled vehicle not operated upon rails or guideway, but not including any bicycle, motorized scooter, electric personal assistive mobility device, or moped.”
Section 67 of Chapter 02-20, supra, also adds subsections (82) (definition of motorized scooter above) to section 316.003, Florida Statutes, which respectively define “motorized scooter”.
Thus, effective July 1, 2002, motorized scooters as defined by section 316.003(82), Florida Statutes, as amended, are expressly excluded from the definition of “motor vehicles” for purposes of Chapter 316, Florida Statutes. Accordingly, the provisions of that chapter that prescribe various equipment and safe driving requirements of motor vehicles are no longer applicable to “motorized scooters.”
Moreover, the provisions relating to the operation of mopeds would not be applicable to “motorized scooters” since such scooters, which have no seat or saddle for a rider’s use, do not fall within the definition of “mopeds” contained in section 316.003(77), Florida Statutes. Thus, such provisions as sections 316.208 and 316.2085, Florida Statutes, which set forth the responsibilities of persons operating a motorcycle or moped, or section 316.211, Florida Statutes, which prescribes the equipment for motorcycle and moped riders, are inapplicable to motorized scooters.[5] Similarly, the requirement of section 316.2068, Florida Statutes, as created by section 68, Chapter 02-20, Laws of Florida, imposing certain regulations on electric personal assistive mobility devices, apply only to such devices as defined in section 316.003(83), Florida Statutes, as amended. I would note, however, that the definition of “motor vehicle” contained in section 322.01(26), Florida Statutes, for purposes of that chapter relating to driver’s licenses, has not been amended and still defines “motor vehicle” as “any self-propelled vehicle, including a motor vehicle combination, not operated upon rails or guideway, excluding vehicles moved solely by human power, motorized wheelchairs, and motorized bicycles as defined in s. 316.003.”[6]
In light of the above, the Legislature may wish to readdress these issues and clarify its intent regarding the operation of motorized scooters in this state.
Accordingly, I am of the opinion that as of July 1, 2002, motorized scooters are excluded from the definition of “motor vehicle” for purposes of Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, and therefore are not subject to the equipment and safe driving requirements of a motor vehicle contained in that chapter, nor are the provisions relating to mopeds or “electric personal assistive mobility devices” prescribed in Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, applicable to motorized scooters.
Robert A. Butterworth
Attorney General
I didnt call this particular sheriffs office, but the following link is under “Whats New”.…cycle_Reqs.pdf
Assuming this is recent and correct, (and we ALL know its not right to assume):
Any FL MBer want to call this Sheriffs Dept. to see when this was published?
(Be sure to get their name and title, and preferrably get all of the above confirmed by written response, email or snail mail for the benefit of the MB Community)
I look forward to the forums comments.
Add: GAS Motorized Bicycle 50 cc’s or less
Still not considered a “bicycle”, so not really pertinent…
Why don’t you call and find out?
Either way… It would be considered a “homemade/manufactured moped”, IF it was possible to get it registered, which you can’t, because the FLHSMV will NOT register it…
I agree with Frank. It is either a moped or a motorized bicycle with an electric motor. It seems the SO is just confusing it by calling it a gas motorized bike, since it must meet moped standards to be legal. A bicycle with an add-on gas motor is not street legal in any case.
Good on you for doing the research. Empowering everyone to look into issues is the greatest value of this site. Keep up the good work.
I was arrested by longwood police for DWLS and unregistered “motor Vehicle” is this legal since a motorized bike cannot be taged,tittled or registered. A mortorized bike is also not considered a moped,scooter, or motor cycle. Is there any legal info you can asssist me in defending my case. I am a hab. traffic offender and in trouble. plesase send me some info
Well, you have to first tell us what KIND of “motorized bicycle” you have…
If its ELECTRIC powered, only goes 20 mph MAX, and has pedals, it is a “motorized bicycle”…
If it gas powered, or has no pedals or goes over 20mph, then you have an issue..
I don’t see how you would be arrested, since it is stated that a motor vehicle is defined as a vehicle that is solely propelled by a motor, whereas, I’m sure that you had to pedal to get the motor on your bike to crank up. I think the only thing they could have charged you for was a moving violation, but not for dwls. I hope this helps. I would definitely advise you refer your lawyer to Florida statute 316.003 for a concise definition of a motor vehicle and the laws pertaining to operating a motor vehicle in the state of Florida. Good luck with your case. Hope this helps you out.
Hi, I contacted St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office, and this is their response as of today 3/7/12 (copy and pasted), and just confirmed via phone conversation:
“Mark Weinberg
Public Information Officer
Ken J. Mascara, Sheriff of St. Lucie County, Florida
St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office
4700 West Midway Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34981-4825
I researched the questions you asked me in our phone conversation earlier today.
The pamphlet “Basic requirements bicycles to motorcycles” that is available at the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office website is up to date and accurate.
It was written in 2011.
The laws the pamphlet refers to have not changed for the last several years.
The relevant Florida statutes are listed by statute number and subject in the pamphlet.”
(end of quote)
Although this appears to be the case, I still think this is a grey area.
I look forward to your additional comments Geo.
Palm Coast, FL
Good work Jerry. My comment is the same as above. It just seems to be an unfortunate use of the phrase “motorized bicycle” when referring to gas power, instead of moped, the standards for which must be met.
Well moped IS short for MOtorized-PEDacycle..
BUT… Like the S-O said, it would have to be registered, “same as moped”.
Since a bicycle with a gas powered motor is NOT REGISTERABLE (according to the DMV who actually DOES registrations), then like Geo said, it’s not ridable on public roads..
I understand Jerry’s point of view, but in order for a gas powered bicycle to be registered, it would need to fall under a “homemade moped”, which requires DOT approved everything….
There are no DOT approved bicycle tires available anywhere, nor are bicycle frames federally approvable for DOT standards, so that’s why a “gas powered bicycle” is not registerable nor approved for public road riding, at the speeds mopeds are able to achieve.
Comment removed. This site is for discussion of the laws. If you want to change the laws, there are better places to do so, such as the FBA legislative agenda.
do i need motor cycle license to ride a street bike in the state of Florida or just regular driver’s license
One needs a driver license with a motorcycle endorsement to ride a “street bike” (motorcycle) in Florida.
You need a drivers license, it mud be registered, titled, etc…
Now if youre talking about a gas powered bicycle, it’s a no-go.. Not allowed on the public streets..
If an electric scooter/bicycle which meets the power standards of not more than 750 watts and cannot go over 20 mph and normally has installed pedals is pulled over , however, the pedals are not present at the time, is it still classified as a bicycle.
There is no “wattage requirement” in the Florida state statutes for electric bicycles..
The requirement of an electric (motorized) bicycle does include…
A “combination of human power and an electric helper motor”
If the pedals are not attached, how can it be propelled by “human power”… ?
(and straddling the bicycle and pushing it with your legs, does NOT satisfy the statutory requirement for “human power” – That has been tried before (by a friend of mine) and did not hold up in court.)
Since you can’t pedal the bicycle and only have the motor to propel it, I would have to say that it would no longer be a bicycle, but at that point would be classified as a motorcycle.
Since there are no “scooters” in Florida, it would have to be classified as either…
A bicycle (has pedals or [pedals/electric motor-20mph max speed])
A moped (pedals and gas motor-30 mph max speed)
A motorcycle (No pedals and gas/electric motor – no speed limitations for classification)..
Why not just keep the pedals attached?
See the statutory definition of “bicycle” in the first post above.
I got a citation for no registration on motorized bycicle is it legal to ride one on road.
Is your bicycle electric or gas powered??
If electric and your pedals are working, it. IS a “motorized bicycle”/bicycle.. And your good..
IF it is gas powered, it is NOT legal for road use..
It’s been gone over a million times..
Electric = good
Gas = bad
Please read all the information above to determine if you are legal.
i saw the debate on wether a gas powered bicycle is ridable and i do understand that it is NOT allowed to be ridden on the streets. in other cases, i was wondering if it were to be possible to ride a gas powered bicycle on the sidewalks of florida and not the streets.
No. See this post.
All the information is above or in the other linked posts concerning a motorized bicycle. If it meets the definition in the statutes, it is not a motor vehicle for the purpose of registration or licensing, and none is required. I don’t know what DWLS means. You should seek legal counsel about your predicament.
DWLS = Driving While License Suspended..
We have to find out the specifications of the bicycle he was riding..
Hi, I live in Pinellas County, Florida. I’m asking, what are the laws, if any, regarding four-wheeled pedal-powered (no gas, no electricity whatsoever) bikes life the one listed on this website? This is the one I plan to get, I apologize for the long URL.,+state&catalogId=10001&storeZip=33781&ddkey=http:LocationBasedPricingCmd
Please see this post
Like FrankI would like to know about riding my e-bike with a suspended license.
Also thank you for all the info from Tallahassee .
The St. Augustine Police got the rules & the officers are being informed about the rules for e-bikes & gas powered bikes. Thanks for your important information and answering our questions and for your informative answers. Thank you!
You are quite welcome. I sent your question and my answer to a senior St. A official and suggested he forward it to the PD.
As you can see from the materials on the site, a driver’s license is required to operate a motor vehicle. Bicycles and eBikes that meet the definition of “bicycle” are not motor vehicles and no driver’s license is required. If someone’s license is suspended, it has no bearing on their operating a bicycle or eBike.
i live in port richey fl. i had a motor bike and the police took it and gave me a ticket for sursended licence. will i be able to bet this ticket. and get my bike back. any info will help thanks all
were you able to beat the ticket?
You should retain an attorney and use the information on this site to determine your likely success.
thanks i will keep you all informed what happens.wish me luck.
well i went to court today dec 19th nothing happend have to go on the 3rd of jan. but the good thing is i went to the police department and they gave me my bike back for free. but still cant ride it in port richey. they say you need a license to ride it
If your eBike actually meets the definition bicycle in the statutes, I suggest that you ask them to show you the statute that requires a license. They will not be able to do so. All the info is above.
I read all the posts regarding the FL definition of a “scooter” powered by electricity with pedals. It seems to be clear that it is technically a bicycle if it goes no more than 20mph.
My question, which I thought would be common, can this pedal capable electric scooter be chained up at a typical bike rack for free instead of being parked at a metered parking space? Thanks.
i hae a gas bike where can i ride it at with no licens
in npr fl
Bicycles with gas assist motors are not permitted on sidewalks or the roadway. See
Thinking about getting a regular self propelled beach cruiser bicycle, 26″ tires, and adding electric assist that will go no more than 20 mph. Even if I got a bike that was 24″ tire size, the seat height of no more than 25″ still looks awkward. One would have to get a toddler size bike to have a seat height of max 25″, unless maybe if it is a low rider type bicycle style perhaps. I have read the statute sentence regarding seat height a few times and am still confused. Is it that the seat must be 25″ inches at its max extension at a minimum?
To be defined as a bicycle it must have a seat height greater than 25 inches.
s. 316.003 – Definitions
(2) Bicycle – …. The term (bicycle) does not include such a vehicle with a seat height of no more than 25 inches from the ground when the seat is adjusted to its highest position ….
The operator of a vehicle that has a seat height of 25 inches or less, which describes many recumbents, still has the rights and duties of other drivers if it is powered solely by human power.
s. 316.2065 – Bicycle Regulations
(1) Every person propelling a vehicle by human power has all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle
Let me get this straight, I can pedal my bike in the bike lane all I want but as soon as I turn on the gas powered engine suddenly its illegal? That really blows! It makes no sense, whatever happened to freedom? But it does explain all the handy engine kill switches. I guess I need to call my local sherrifs office.
You can ride an eBike in the bike lane either with the motor on or off. You can ride an eBike on the sidewalk only using human power.
A bike under the power of gas assist motor is not legal anywhere except private property. If the gas powered motor isn’t on, it would appear that you can use the bike like a regular bike.
The Sheriffs Office isn’t to blame for this. Contact the state legislators. They wrote the laws.
You will have to ask them why they included electric assist motors in the definition of “bicycle” but not gas assist motors.
A change that would have expanded the definition to gas assist motors was proposed, but never was enacted.
House of Representatives Staff Analysis Bill # CS/CS/CS/HB 1353
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Sponsor(S): Economic Affairs Committee, Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee, Transportation & Highway Safety Subcommittee, Albritton
“Proposed Changes – The bill amends the definition of bicycle to remove the qualifier “electric” from the “helper motor” provision.”
Thank you Geo for all the great research and technical definitions concerning the Florida statutes regarding the definition of what constitutes a motorized vehicle. This whole discussion was very much help to me as I actually wanted to start a home based business selling motorized bikes here in Florida. I didn’t even realize there was so much confusion and hassle involved in the laws pertaining to motorized bicycles. I say we should try to get the proposed changes in the legislations definition amended to exclude the word ” electric ” and just leave the ” helper motor ” part, so that this fine mode of transportation can become legal in our state. Would be nice. You have my vote. Thanks again for the insight and your patience.
Jorge wrote:
“I say we should try to get the proposed changes in the legislation definition amended”
The FBA has a legislative agenda that is intended to address changes that are needed. I recommend that you contact them and ask that this item be included. See:
Geo, looks like you’ve had a long run on here, and let me add to this please, I understand all the ifs ands and buts about the bicycle business, my question now is how the DMV defines a moped, ( a motor driven scooter with a seat and pedals not to exceed 30 mph?) and what about registration, licensing, and insurance? Obviously you can drive them on the road and not the sidewalk (unless you are pedaling?) and I will try to save this link for future reference and thanks in advance for the tolerance you’ve shown the others (me too hopefully!) Geo just noticed the sidebar with this column that said MOPED and got all my questions answered thanks for this column!
I see that you found it and as you have seen in this post, the DMV doesn’t determine the definition of and licensing requirements for mopeds. That is done by statute.
I still don’t understand.
When running on the motor, do I have to ride on the street or the sidewalk? If neither, then where am I supposed to ride it?
If it is a bike propelled by a gas assist motor, it is not legal on the roadway or sidewalk. As to where you are supposed to ride it, ask your legislators. They passed the laws.
If it is an eBike, permitted in the roadway only. See the second question at the top of this post.
moterized bicycles are they consedired a mobilty device if you are disabled? ADA has languge about other mobilty device? your help im greatfull for.
If you’re disabled, get a normal mobility scooter… Most of the time, you can get them for free..
(If you’re trying to skirt the law, by saying a gas powered bicycle is a mobility scooter, you’re barking up the wrong tree)
Shawn and Frank,
Please see the new post about this.
Hello, I got a gas powered bycicle and I was wondering if I’ll in trouble if I use it on the bycicle lane under 20mph.
The bike lane is part of the roadway.
Please see this post and others under “motorized bicycles” in the tag cloud:
My grand child aged 11 rec’d an electric bike for Christmas and I wonder if she needs a DL and anything else, please let me know. I saw her on the road by her home with it and it scared me since she has no idea of traffic rules.
P.S When I say bike I mean bicycle with an electric motor, We live in Florida.
You must be 16 years old to ride an electric bicycle.
Correct! Please see the original post above.
If I have a suspended license can I apply fof a motorized bicycle permit?