Bike Lanes Required?


Antonio asked: I live in Sunny Isle and noticed that on A1A between Miami Beach and Golden Beach only Sunny Isles has no bike lanes. Why? I was told by a police officer that the reason for this is because that is a state road and not a county road. Is this a correct statement? If that is not the case, what can one do to convert Collins Ave in Sunny Isles to have bike lanes?


SR A1A is a state roadway and there is a specific statute that addresses the requirement to install bicycle ways on a state transportation facility when any change such as repaving is made.

s. 335.065 – Bicycle and Pedestrian Ways Along State Roads and Transportation Facilities

(1)(a) Bicycle and pedestrian ways shall be given full consideration in the planning and development of transportation facilities, including the incorporation of such ways into state, regional, and local transportation plans and programs. Bicycle and pedestrian ways shall be established in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any state transportation facility, and special emphasis shall be given to projects in or within 1 mile of an urban area.

There are exceptions in the law.

See this post for the details.

You should contact the Department of Transportation to determine when changes to the roadway are scheduled, and insure that bicycle facilities are included.  This site will help with scheduled projects in your district.

Bicyclists sued the Department and won a statewide precedent that bicycle facilities shall be included in roadway projects in accordance with s. 335.065.

County and city roadways are not included in that requirement, but cities and counties are becoming more aware that bicycle lanes are not just for the benefit of bicyclists. When bike lanes are not present, and sometimes when they are, bicyclists are not required to use a paved shoulder and in narrow lanes, are permitted to use the full lane, legally impeding other traffic and sometimes causing serious delays to motorists. See the other posts about impeding traffic and lane sharing.

You can keep up to date on these issues by attending your local Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee meetings or other advocacy organizations in your county.

These are some bicycle advocacy sites that may be able to help.

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